About Us

About The Centre

Our centre caters for children aged 18months to 6 years. We are open 7am – 6pm Monday to Friday, 50 weeks of the year. We are closed on NSW public holidays. Please Note – No fees charged for public holidays!

We have two classrooms, a 2-3 year old room and a 3-6 year old room. We spend some parts of the day together for family grouping and other parts of the day separated to allow for more age appropriate activities.

What We Do

Fees and Charges 2019

Our fees start at $111 per day, less Childcare Subsidy (CCS) where eligible. We offer 9, 10 and 11 hour daily sessions to allow families to get the most out of their eligible hours and reduced out of pocket expenses.  If you have any questions, we are here to help, just ask.  To apply for CCS please call 136 150 or apply online through Centrelink.

We provide morning tea, afternoon tea, nappies, child’s portfolio accessible via computer or app, a school readiness program, dedicated, friendly and compassionate teachers and lots of fun learning experiences.

No fees charged for standard NSW Public Holidays.
Make up days available for absences.

Our Philosophy
Our Program

Our daily programs are designed around the children’s interests, strengths and needs and are determined by observations, discussions with children, consultation with parents/carers and individual goals.

Children are provided with the opportunity to play, discover, question, problem solve and attempt challenges during free play both indoors and outdoors. Two formal group times are provided each day that involve singing, stories, discussions, news, project work and school readiness. Many spontaneous group times occur during the day arising from children’s interests, requests or to extend upon a conversation or question asked by a child.

Your child’s learning and fun are captured via photos and observation and are posted for you to view at any time in your own private child’s portfolio which you can access by secure log in on your computer or via a free app.
